Coach Driver Eligibility Form


This form is to be filled out by coaches who are not affiliated with Stony Brook University who intend to drive for club/organization business. Stony Brook University students or staff must fill out the Student/Staff Driver Eligibility Form. Each form must be filled out by the driver. 
  • One form should be filled out for each driver. 
  • The form only needs to be submitted once unless you are informed otherwise, or if some part of the driver's information has changed
  • This form must be filled out by the driver. Forms filled out by anyone other than the actual driver will be denied. 

The following items will be needed in order to complete this form. It might be helpful to gather these documents prior to beginning:
  • Driver's License
  • Insurance information - company, policy number, dates, copy of policy - this information is not needed when using a rental car that is paid for with University funds
  • If driver does not hold a NYS DL, the driver will need a copy of their driving record from the appropriate agency
